Ten on One for “The Debate between Mr. Tea and Mr. Alcohol”

Throughout “The Debate between Mr. Tea and Mr. Alcohol”, both Mr. Alcohol and Mr. Tea use arguments in defense and offense but in a rather chaotic fashion.  Each argument seems to be fueled more by emotion, preference, and person experience rather than complete logic. Although some factual information is used, the characters mix them up and add statements that are false.  If someone who knew nothing about either beverages prior to this text, they certainly would not be able to discern which points are unbiased and which are fictional. In fact, both tend to be extremely hypocritical, which gives the reader the wrong idea. Neither is without its cons, such as how Mr.Alcohol speaks of how tea will make one sick, while alcohol is infamous for that very thing.  It is also brought up how inexpensive tea is, making it cheap, when both drinks have a spectrum of quality, whose price is exponential to how good the product is. I am sure that one would also be able to find cheap alcohol at the time, and one could also find expensive, high quality tea. Tea also claims that alcohol breaks up families, and while it has some truth to it, Mr.Alcohol claims he brings joy to people.  In fact, he specifically boasts about how he made an emperor drunk for three years, assuming that this was a good thing. However, Mr.Tea uses this exact point against him, twisting it to sound terrible. This means that the logic is sorely lacking from this debate. Although this entire text was obviously planned out, rewritten, and edited, it seems as though many arguments displayed here were decided spur of the moment.  Many sentences and points contradict each other, and were repetitive. In fact, this could have been an actually debate, unscripted, and transcribed in the moment.


(1) Comment

  1. Nice analysis! With tea being a relatively new drink (rather than a medicine) in that time period, do you think it is possible that these are the kinds of arguments people had?

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